FindOnClick is a file searching utility to enhance your windows searching capability. With FindOnClick utility you can search your whole computer for any type of files including hidden files too. In FindOnClick expert search mode you can create the category of files like Document files, Music, Photo and Pictures, Programs, Videos, Web documents etc. to search all such files categorically. So if you want to search all pictures and photos of all formats or some specific formats then you can create its category and then search them all by just one click. You can find the Filename filter option in the easy and Expert search mode both to exclude some specific type of file in your search result. FindOnClick also gives you the option to highlight the duplicate files or you may only show the duplicate files. FindOnClick is able to search files on other devices also other then your hard disk like floppy disks, CD/DVD, Memory sticks, Zip Disks etc. If you want you can export your search result in the CSV file format for further analysis in Microsoft Excel. There are more advanced search options like search by size, date, attributes, version number, title, artist, album etc. also available for more advanced users.